The building blocks of a Powerlifting Program……..No BS It's not hard to find a powerlifting program online, Google it, YouTube it, it's all out there. Follow the program be consistent and get results. If you are new to strength training,...
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Do I Need A Pre-Workout Supplement? This question is asked a lot, mostly by young kids, young impressionable minds who will do “whatever it takes” to looked jacked. It’s the way we are wired, we all want something that will...
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DIGESTIVE ENZYMES – WHAT IS A DIGESTIVE ENZYME? In our last blog, we discussed probiotics and how they can potentially benefit an athlete if you suffer from inflammation in your digestive tract. Fixing the walls of your intestines will enable...
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PROBIOTICS – WHATS A PROBIOTIC? Your diet and when you eat should be just as important as your training program if you’re a strength athlete looking to get stronger. You need to maintain a tight grip on your diet, look...
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WHAT KIND OF LIFTING SHOES? Everybody loves shoes, women more so than men, but what do you know about lifting shoes? You don’t wear them with jeans! A good lifting shoe will ensure that you have a stable secure footing and...
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